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Impression is known as the first and the immediate effect of an experience or perception upon the mind during an encounter with another person or something. The various conclusions we decide on other people based on our impressions are known as the judgments. Impressions can lead to biased or stereotyped perceptions of other people.

People always says "not to judge a book by its cover"; however, people frequently judge others way too soon to even realize that they are doing it. People often form impressions of others with only minimal information.

First impressions are mostly based on people’s expectations, their past experiences, beliefs, and assumptions. Common behaviors and characteristics and the surrounding of a situation also influences on how an impression is formed.

The reason why we trust our first impressions spontaneously is that they feel right. It feels like we can judge the good from the bad. That, people are obliged of it. However, these impressions are not always accurate. And sometimes you might never find out whether you're right or wrong. And if you knew what other people thought when they first met you, it could have a great impact on your life, maybe enough to change it. It could be either positive or negative.

Everyone is judged by everyone every day, everywhere, for what they do, what they feel, what they wear, what their appearance looks like, how they speak and much more.

If a person is quiet, he/she is either shy or rude. If a person talks without a fear and have a high self-esteem, he/she is either bossy or confident.

If it’s a person who is outgoing and enjoys their life, he/she is a person with a life where everything goes smoothly or who is rich enough to enjoy life. If he/ she stays out late, they are referred to as ‘a kid from the spoiled younger generation’.

If a person asks for opinions, he/she is a person who is seeking for attention and wanting everyone’s approval, or a person who has many trust issues. If a person wear stylish clothes and makeup, he/she is more attractive or more dominant among the others.

The level of speaking in a foreign language or the number of friends or followers they have, the cooler they seem. Those are known as the people, a person should hang out with.

If a person does a construction work, or throws trash or does domestic chores in another house, he/she is lower than the lowest class of people that there could possibly be. And a person should never be seen with them or even near them.

There are endless amounts of things that people are being judged about each and every day, unintentionally and intentionally.

We do not get time to get to know each and every person we come into contact with. When someone says “don’t judge me” they don’t mean to stop the automatic processes of our brains. That is impossible. But you are entirely responsible for your actions due to those impressions. And it is your responsibility to not allow this information to create a fixed framework about a situation or a person.

Consider how often you make this kind of judgments every day. You might not get a second chance to make a first impression, but you can always create an opportunity to correct one.

Work hard to be open minded and fair while interacting with others rather than jumping into conclusions figuring out who and how someone really is. Because there is no way you can be sure.

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