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Nowadays, buildings are getting taller and are more isolated from one another and the surrounding environment. They also do not maintain the culture and social lifestyle that we have established previously.

The main focus of the building is to reestablish these cultural communities to create a more interactive and joyful environment.

The north harbor area of male’ is known as the commercial / business hub of the island. It has been a commercial zone for the past several decades and continues in future plans. it is and has been one of the busiest areas in the entire island, filled with lots of people and tons of vehicles and vessels. Even though the area was busy and congested previously, it was a more interactive and joyful environment that improved the lifestyle and community of the people.

During the old days, people could move in and out from a building in all the directions. Also, they could move through one building to the other without any hindrances. This allowed them to create more connections with other people leading to a more interactive and safe community. The spaces in the building is designed to have continuously flow without any hindrances and connection points are created to bring back the interactivesness of people.

The main spaces included in the building emphasizes on creating an interactive and more joyful environment. The secondary spaces created by the stacking of the main spaces are used for either as vegetation or as community spaces enhancing the concept of the design.

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