Location: B.Dharavandhoo, Maldives
Time: Unknown
People involved: Unknown
Information: Received from locals
It was a fine bright morning. Some of the female locals were making coconut husk fibers near the shoreline. Suddenly a "fureytha' ( monster) appeared from the deep sea. The head appeared first and as it came closer, the body became clearly visible. It was gigantic and scary. Everyone screamed and ran, leaving everything behind to save themselves. Most of the ladies escaped, except for a pregnant lady who couldn't catch up with others. She cried for help but, no one was able to help her. The monster grabbed her and started eating her alive. Those who escaped first went asking for help from the locals. The news spread like fire, and everyone rushed towards the beach to help. By the time they reached, only the head of the woman was left uneaten. An old sorcerer arranged some kind of dark magic which can be used to fight against the monster. The locals went in small boats to fight the monster. The magic wasn't strong enough to kill it but, was able to curse it away from the island forever. They buried her head and carried out her funeral. Ever since that, nobody has seen the monster again.